
An English Medium Co-Education
Well qualified, trained and experienced teachers.
Excellent Teacher – Student ratio.
Emphasis on concept formation, skill development with regular revision and recall.
Language development through Poetry recitation, Declamation, Debates, Quiz Competitions
Tutorial classes for students deficient in particular subjects.
Bag free concept for Pre-Nursery and Kindergarten.
Mass participation of students in all activities, no back benchers.
Policy of rewards and recognition to foster team spirit and motivation.
Social Awareness through themes and public campaigns to inculcate qualities of leadership and public speaking.
Know the world through organizing excursions, visits to places of importance, Industries, place of interests, monuments, role plays and holding of picnics.
Regular Parent-Teacher interaction.
Exposure to renowned academicians and eminent scholars.
Exposure and acquaintance with cultural heritage and traditions.
Examination & Promotion

The school works on continuous comprehensive evaluation system. Progress reports are sent to the parents after each test. They should be signed by the parents and returned to the school promptly. Attendance in all tests including oral and practical is compulsory. Only medical leave can be granted during the tests on production of a proper medical certificate.


Leave application should be sent in advance in case of absence from school, except on ground of sudden illness. The name of the student will be removed from the rolls after continuous absence of one month without information and he/she may be re-admitted at the discretion of the Principal. Students must put in 75% of attendance before they can be declared eligible for their final examination. A student returning to school, after suffering from an infectious disease shall produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him/her to do so.


Pre-Primary K.G., Age group 4-5 Years.
Nursery, Age group 3-4 Years;
Primary Classes I to V, Age group 5-10 years
English, Hindi, Punjabi, Mathematics, EVS, Art, Craft, Music, Dance, Yoga and Games, Computer Education.
Middle Classes VI to VIII. Age group 10-13 years

Secondary Classes IX and X. Age group above 14 years

Higher Senior Secondary  XI and XII. 

English, Hindi, Punjabi, Mathematics, Social Studies, General Science, Art, Craft, Music, Dance, Yoga, Work Experience, Art Education, Computer, Physical and Health
The school strengthens the academics by organizing special enrichment and remedial classes and preparing students for NTSC, Mathematics Olympiads and various other tests held by national and international bodies.